Saturday, October 27, 2012

What we have all been waiting for .....

I've gotten so many emails and comments on my facebook to post photos of LoreLei Lane's Halloween Outfit. So here is a small sneak peak of what it will look like ... OFF her.. Just wait until you see the pieces put on her all together she's going to be the cutest little pirate EVER. :)!

I'm currently still working on the tutu so it looks kind of funny just laying on the ground like that. 

The only thing I will have left to do is figure out how I want to do her hair and if i want to use her i patch or not. :D

This is looking a little funny just laying there but super cut when on :) :)!

Lorelei thought it was a good idea to put her hand in the paint UGH!!!


  1. Thank you cassie. I still have to get it completely finished I have like a quater of an inch to finish but other wise i'm done.. Just wait until you see what I have picked out for next year for the kiddos :)!
